What is Abuse and Neglect? How do I spot the signs?
Abuse can happen anywhere, may be committed by anyone and can take many forms.
Abuse is described as a violation of an individual’s human and civil rights by any other person or persons which results in significant harm. Abuse may consist of a single act or repeated acts. Abuse can occur in any relationship and may result in significant harm to, or exploitation of, the person subjected to it.
Types of Abuse and Neglect
Below are some examples of what amounts to abuse and some information that aims to help people who come into contact with people with care and support needs to identify abuse and recognise possible indicators. Signs of abuse can often be difficult to detect.
Physical Abuse includes hitting, kicking, misuse of medication, inappropriate sanctions or unlawful or inappropriate restraint. Possible indicators of physical abuse include:
Get more information from:
Citizen’s Advice
Victim Support
Age UK
What is Domestic Abuse?
Domestic violence or abuse is an incident or pattern of incidents that include controlling, coercive or threatening behaviour, violence or abuse. It is most often experienced within existing intimate partner relationships but can also be experienced from a former partner, siblings, parent or adult children.
Signs to Look For
All these are behaviours of an abusive person. All of these are acts of domestic violence or abuse.
Who does it happen to?
Domestic violence and abuse can happen to anyone!
If you are in an abusive relationship:
For more information about coercive and controlling behaviour please watch our Eggshells Short Film or for more information about how to leave an abusive relationship please visit the Oldham Council website.
Get more information from:
National Domestic Abuse Hotline
Women’s Aid
Respect Men’s Advice Line
ManKind Initiative
If you identify as LGBT+, you can contact Galop
Sexual Abuse includes rape and sexual assault or sexual acts to which the adult at risk has not consented or could not consent or was pressured into consenting. Possible indicators of sexual abuse include:
Get more information from:
Find Rape and Sexual Assault Referral Centres
Victim Support
Rape Crisis
Survivors Male Rape and Sexual Abuse
Psychological Abuse includes threats of harm or abandonment, humiliation, blaming, controlling, coercion, harassment, verbal abuse. Possible indicators of psychological abuse include:
Get more information from:
Age UK
Financial and Material Abuse includes theft, fraud, exploitation, pressure in connection with financial matters, or the misuse of someone else's finances. Possible indicators of financial or material abuse include:
Get more information from:
Women’s Aid
Citizen’s Advice
Age UK
Victim Support: Fraud
Modern Slavery includes human trafficking, forced labour and domestic servitude. Possible indicators of modern slavery include:
Get more information from:
Modern Slavery Helpline
Victim Support
Age UK
Neglect and Acts of Omission include ignoring medical or physical care needs, and the withholding of necessities, such as medication and adequate nutrition. Possible indicators of neglect and acts of omission include:
Get more information from:
Age UK
Citizen’s Advice
Discriminatory Abuse includes abuse, such a harassment, slurs or hate crime based on a person's race, sex, disability, faith, sexual orientation or age. Possible indicators of discriminatory abuse include:
Get more information from:
Victim Support
Age UK
Stop Hate UK
Stop Hate Crime Resources
If you identify as LGBT+, you can contact Galop
Organisational Abuse is where any of these forms of abuse above are caused by the way an organisation practices. Possible indicators of organisational abuse includes:
Get more information from:
Age UK
Citizen’s Advice
Self-Neglect includes situations where a person is declining support with their care needs, hygiene, health or their environment, and this is having a significant impact on their overall wellbeing. Possible indicators of self-neglect include:
Get more information from:
Age UK
Citizen’s Advice
Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)
T: 0161 770 7777
All content © 2025 Oldham Safeguarding Adults Board
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