Resources and guidance

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Below you will find a wide range of resources and guidance for professionals from national and local services.

  • Safeguarding
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    Supervision Guidance

    OSAB Safeguarding Supervision Guidance provides an overarching framework for all staff across agencies, whilst acknowledging that many agencies have different management structures, and existing proportionate and effective supervision systems in place that reflect the structure and role of each agency. The guidance sets out safeguarding supervision principles, with some suggested models for practice to assist in the delivery of safe practice. It outlines the core functions and minimum standards of effective supervision which OSAB requires all partner agencies to closely consider, alongside some key aspects of practice that should be considered in supervision sessions from a safeguarding perspective. 

    OSAB Safeguarding Supervision Guidance


    Oldham Safeguarding Adults Board endorse the 8 Principles of Engagement set out in this fantastic video from Newcastle Safeguarding Adults Board:


    What is the Autism Spectrum? Who can help with Autism? Take a look at our Frequently Asked Questions about autism here: OSAB Frequently Asked Questions - Autism

    Safeguarding Signs to look for during the Covid-19 Pandemic

    A HM Government leaflet detailing what kind of signs to look out for to protect both children and adults at risk of harm and abuse can be viewed here

    Elder Abuse Awareness

    Elder abuse is a single, or repeated act, or lack of appropriate action, occurring within any relationship where there is an expectation of trust which causes harm or distress to an older person. Elder abuse can take various forms such as financial, physical, psychological and sexual. Oldham Safeguarding Adults Board is pleased to share the video and leaflet below to raise awareness of Elder Abuse.

    Elder Abuse Awareness Day Leaflet v3.pdf

    Elder Abuse Awareness and OSAB Frequently Asked Questions
    What is Elder Abuse? And, who can help? Take a look at our Frequently Asked Questions about Elder Abuse here: OSAB Elder Abuse Frequently Asked Questions

    Making Safeguarding Personal

    Making Safeguarding Personal (MSP) is a sector-led initiative which aims to develop an outcomes focus to safeguarding work, and a range of responses to support people to improve or resolve their circumstances. 

    Making Safeguarding Personal Videos & Making Safeguarding Personal in Self-Neglect Workbook 
    These resources were developed by Research in Practice for the safeguarding adults workstream of the Care and Health Improvement Partnership in 2022. They are tools for practitioners, trainers and anyone else to be used to promote a person centred, outcome focused and strength based approach to safeguarding adults.

    The Making Safeguarding Personal in self-neglect workbook draws on evidence from research and safeguarding adult reviews (SARs) to identify how making safeguarding personal can make a difference to the health, wellbeing and safety of people who are self-neglecting.

    The Making Safeguarding Personal videos are below.

    Session 1: Making Safeguarding Personal: Background and overview

    Session 2: Making Safeguarding Personal: Tools and resources

    Session 3: Making Safeguarding Personal: Learning from case studies and research 

    Making Safeguarding Personal: self neglect

    Making Safeguarding Personal Toolkit
    The Local Government Association practice toolkit handbook guides you through the best approach and effective application of safeguarding with a range of helpful tools and practice based case examples.

    Pressure Ulcers and the interface with a Safeguarding Enquiry Safeguarding Adults Protocol

    This protocol from the Department of Health and Social Care helps practitioners and managers across health and care organisations to provide caring and quick responses to people at risk of developing pressure ulcers. It also offers a process for the clinical management of harm removal and reduction where ulcers occur, considering if an adult safeguarding response is necessary.

    Making Decisions on the Duty to Carry Out Safeguarding Adults Enquiries

    The Local Government Association (LGA) and the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS) have produced a framework to offer support in making decisions about whether or not a reported safeguarding adults concern requires an enquiry under the Section 42 duty of the Care Act (2014).


    Bereavement Support: A Short Guide from OSAB
    OSAB have compiled a short guide containing links and telephone numbers to both local and national services offering support with grief and bereavement: OSAB National and Local Bereavement Support.pdf. Thank you to Healthwatch Oldham for their support with this.

    Suicide Bereavement UK
    Suicide Bereavement UK provide resources for anyone bereaved or affected by suicide, for professionals supporting them and for anyone with a personal or professional interest in suicide bereavement support here.

    The National Suicide Bereavement Report 2020: From Grief to Hope
    One of the government priorities ‘to provide better information and support to those bereaved or affected by suicide’. However, knowledge and understanding of effective postvention support is limited in the UK. The University of Manchester, in collaboration with Support After Suicide Partnership have completed a study aimed at addressing this knowledge gap, to help inform and guide policy and practice in this newly developing field. Read the full report here and view BBC News item on the report here.

    National Competency Framework for Safeguarding Adults

    This framework sets out minimum standards a professional should seek to demonstrate in practice when safeguarding adults.
    National Competency Framework for Safeguarding Adults – comprehensive version
    National Competency Framework for Safeguarding Adults – concise version

    Disguised Compliance

    Find further information about Disguised Compliance here: Disguised Compliance Information.pdf

    Hidden Harms

    HM Government released a report following the Prime Minister's Virtual Summit on Hidden Harms in June 2020. The report can be found here.

    Child Exploitation

    Child exploitation disruption toolkit
    HM Government have produced a toolkit primarily aimed at frontline staff working to safeguard children and young people under the age of 18 from sexual and criminal exploitation. It is intended to help all safeguarding partners to understand and access existing legislative opportunities at their disposal and to target specific risks, ranging from warning notices to offence charges and care orders.


    Supporting Adult Carers: A Quick Guide
    Social Care Institute of Excellence (SCIE) and National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) have produced a quick guide to supporting people who provide unpaid care for adults with health or social care needs. This quick guide is for social care practitioners. Take a look here.

    Carers and Safeguarding: a Briefing for People who Work with Carers
    The Local Government Association (LGA) have produced a new briefing as an update of the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS) Advice note 'Carers and Safeguarding Adults' produced in 2011 for frontline workers and brings it in line with the Care Act 2014. The briefing will support the improvement in practice regarding safeguarding adults as well as safeguarding their carers. Take a look here.

    OSAB 7-Minute Briefing: The Importance of Identifying and Valuing Carers
    Oldham Safeguarding Adults Board (OSAB) are pleased to share an essential 7-Minute Briefing about the importance of identifying and valuing carers with all partner organisations in Oldham. This briefing has been produced following two statutory safeguarding reviews undertaken by OSAB which identified the needed for greater awareness and recognition of unpaid carers and subsequently a need to ensure appropriate support is in place for them. Take a look here.

  • Legislation
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    Care Act

    Delivery of Care Act Advocacy is provided by VoiceAbility. VoiceAbility also provide Oldham Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy and Independent Mental Health Advocacy (IMHA). Further details regarding the service and how to make a referral can be found in a leaflet available on their website.

    Care Act 2014 Statutory Guidance
    The legal framework for the Care Act 2014 is supported by this statutory guidance. It provides information and guidance about how the Care Act works in practice. The guidance has statutory status which means there is a legal duty to have regard to it when working with adults (with care and support needs) and carers.

    Safeguarding Adult Reviews 7-Minute Briefing
    Oldham Safeguarding Adults Board (OSAB) are pleased to share a 7-Minute Briefing about statutory Safeguarding Adult Reviews (SARs) designed to answer frequently asked questions such as what is a SAR? What is the purpose? When is one completed? And, how are partner agencies involved? Take a look here.

    Mental Capacity Act

    Mental Capacity Toolkit
    Bournemouth University and Burdett Trust for Nursing have been created materials to help support health and social care professionals working with individuals whose decision-making capacity is limited, fluctuating, absent or compromised. This toolkit brings together information from a range of professionals working in the field of mental capacity to provide a comprehensive guide to practice.

    Mental Capacity Act 2005 Code of Practice
    The legal framework provided by the Mental Capacity Act 2005 is supported by this Code of Practice, which provides guidance and information about how the Act works in practice. The Code has statutory force, which means that certain categories of people have a legal duty to have a regard to it when working with or caring for adults who may lack capacity to make decision for themselves.

    Promoting Less Restrictive Practice: Reducing Restrictions Tool
    This Local Government Association (LGA) and Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS) tool aims to help practitioners identify restrictions in a person’s care, in order to examine whether the care is the ‘least restrictive’ possible, as required by the Mental Capacity Act. It can also be used as part of care planning to ‘promote liberty and autonomy’ in care plans.

    National Centre for Post-Qualifying Social Work and Professional Practice Guidance
    The National Centre for Post-Qualifying Social Work and Professional Practice have produced the following guidance related to the Mental Capacity Act:
    Guidance on the use of the Mental Capacity Act for decisions regarding clinical treatment and care: An introduction
    Mental Capacity Act requirements for clinical decisions regarding treatment and care
    Mental Capacity Act requirements when an individual lacks the mental capacity to consent to treatment and care
    National Mental Capacity Act Competency Framework

    Delivery of the Oldham Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy (IMCA) is provided by VoiceAbility. VoiceAbility also provide Care Act advocacy and Independent Mental Health Advocacy (IMHA). Further details regarding the service and how to make a referral can be found in a leaflet available on their website.

    Liberty Protection Safeguards (Mental Capacity (Amendment) Act)

    Liberty Protection Safeguards Guidance
    The Department of Health and Social Care have produced guidance in relation to the key changes introduced by the Liberty Protection Safeguards.

    Liberty Protection Safeguards (LPS): Looking forwards
    As part of their work to support the social care sector to prepare and embed LPS within everyday practice, SCIE has produced a short video to encourage the sector to consider how LPS will seek to promote practice which aligns with human rights and the core principles and duties of the Care Act 2014:

    Liberty Protection Safeguards (LPS): A Visual Summary of What You Need to Know
    For more information about the change from Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards to Liberty Protection Safeguards and the key differences between the two pieces of legislation, watch this really helpful film made by the NHS National Safeguarding Team.

    Human Rights Act

    OSAB Adult Safeguarding & Human Rights One-Page Guide
    The Human Rights Act 1998 sets out the fundamental rights and freedoms that everyone in the UK is entitled to. It incorporates the rights set out in the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) into domestic British law. This One-Page Summary highlights the four articles that you need to be aware of in relation to safeguarding adults at risk: OSAB Adult Safeguarding & Human Rights One-Page Guide.pdf

    Modern Slavery Act

    Modern Slavery Act 2015 Statutory Guidance
    The legal framework provided by the Modern Slavery Act 2015 is supported by this statutory guidance. The guidance describes the signs that someone may be a victim of modern slavery, the support available to victims, and the process for determining whether someone is a victim and how to support them.

  • Physical Abuse
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  • Domestic Abuse
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    What is domestic abuse?

    Domestic violence or abuse is an incident or pattern of incidents that include controlling, coercive or threatening behaviour, violence or abuse. It is most often experienced within existing intimate partner relationships but can also be experienced from a former partner, siblings, parent or adult children.

    Possible indicators of domestic abuse include:

    • Fear of outside intervention
    • Low self-esteem
    • Feeling that the abuse is their fault when it is not
    • Physical evidence of violence such as bruising, cuts, broken bones
    • Verbal abuse and humiliation in front of others
    • Damage to home or property
    • Isolation, not seeking friends and family
    • Dependent on partner or family member for care and support
    • Limited access to money

    If someone discloses that they are in in an abusive relationship its important to reassure them that:

    • They are not to blame
    • It is not acceptable
    • They you are not alone
    • There are services and support that can help

    Signposting People to Support


    • General switchboard (24 Hours): 101
    • In an emergency (24 Hours): 999
    • Specialised Unit (office hours): 0161 856 4551 or 4555

    Social Services

    • Urgent requests for support can be made to the Safeguarding Adults Team on 0161 770 7777 between 8:40am and 5:00pm Monday to Friday
    • Or outside office hours the Emergency Duty Team can be contacted on 0161 770 6936
    • To request a non-urgent adult assessment please complete the Adult Referral Contact Centre (ARCC) referral form here or to discuss a concern phone on: 0161 770 7777,  Monday to Friday between 8:40am to 5:00pm

    Independent Domestic Violence Advisors

    The specialist domestic violence team can be contacted Monday to Friday during normal work hours (9am-5pm) on the following number:

    • Phone: 0161 770 1572

    The team also deal with cases of so called honour based violence (including forced marriage and FGM) and can offer emotional and practical support to victims and survivors, including.

    • Provision of an outreach service
    • Crisis support
    • Practical advice about accommodation, finance and dealing with an abusive relationship
    • Assessment of risk level and development of safety plans
    • Support with civil and criminal justice matters
    • Advocating on behalf of victims

    Out of Hours Support

    • National Helpline (24 hours): 0808 2000 247
    • Threshold Women's Services Helpline (24 hours): 0161 628 4991
    • National Centre for Domestic Violence Legal Advice Line can provide help with injunctions (24 hours): 0844 8044 999

    Specialist Support

    • MALE (Men’s Advice Line & Enquiries): 0808 801 0327
    • Galop (LGBT Services): 0800 999 5428
    • RESPECT (for perpetrators of domestic violence and abuse): 0808 802 4040


    For information and advice about emergency accommodation or moving home because of domestic abuse contact the Housing Options Team:

  • Sexual Abuse
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  • Psychological Abuse
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  • Financial and Material Abuse
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    Fraud and Scams Awareness and Frequently Asked Questions

    What is Fraud? What is Phishing? What should you do if you receive a suspicious email? Take a look at and share our Frequently Asked Questions about Fraud and Scams: OSAB Fraud and Scams Frequently Asked Questions.

    Have a look at this fantastic guide from Think Jessica, National Trading Standards, Action Fraud and West Midlands Police. It contains information about identity fraud, phone spoofing scams, courier scams, investment scams, rogue trader scams and many more. The guide also includes some essential information about who to contact for advice and support (click on the image):

    Greater Manchester Police have produced a ‘Little Book of Big Scams’ full of information to increase awareness of the vast array of scams that are being used (click on the image)

    National Centre for Post-Qualifying Social Work and Professional Practice Guidance

    The National Centre for Post-Qualifying Social Work and Professional Practice have produced the following guidance related to Financial and Material Abuse:
    Safeguarding practice for those at risk of financial abuse from scamming
    Cyber Fraud and Scamming
    Scams: the power of persuasive language
    Financial Scamming Defining Terms
    Financial Scamming and Fraud
    Scam Prevention and Support toolkit

    Loan Sharks

    Stop Loan Sharks England Illegal Money Lending Team investigate and prosecute illegal lenders. They are actively trying to contact those who are at risk to let them know there is help available and to prevent people who have financial difficulties from borrowing cash from a loan shark. They want to work with partner agencies who support those in financial difficulties and gather intelligence that will put loan sharks away. They are always looking for partners to with to support those borrowing cash from loan sharks.

  • Modern Slavery
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    The National Referral Mechanism

    The National Referral Mechanism (NRM) is a framework for identifying and referring potential victims of modern slavery and ensuring they receive the appropriate support. Find out more here and take a look at the video below from the National County Lines Coordination Centre (NCLCC).

    NCLCC County Lines Awareness Video

    County Lines is a term used for organised illegal drug-dealing networks, usually controlled by a person using a single telephone number, or ‘deal line’. Serious organised criminals recruit vulnerable children and adults as 'runners' to transport drugs and cash all over the country so that the criminals behind it can remain detached and less likely to be detected. Take a look at the video below from the National County Lines Coordination Centre (NCLCC).

    The Passage Modern Slavery Handbook

    The Passage is an organisation with the central goal of ending street homelessness. This handbook, updated in December 2020, explains what slavery looks like in the homeless community, what to watch out for and what you can do about it. The Passage believe that everyone should read the handbook, however, it was specifically created for staff who work in the homelessness sector, particularly frontline workers, managers and volunteers. People who are engaged in support services for homeless people can be vital eyes and ears in detecting this crime.

    NHS Rapid Read: Covid-19: Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking

    This rapid read guide describes how health professionals can raise modern slavery and human trafficking concerns whilst staying safe during the coronavirus outbreak: Covid-19 - Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking.pdf

  • Neglect and Acts of Omission
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  • Discriminatory Abuse
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  • Organisational Abuse
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  • Self-Neglect
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    Self-Neglect and Hoarding

    Practitioner Toolkit and Multi-Agency Strategy for Self-Neglect
    All partner agencies of the Oldham Safeguarding Adults Board have signed up to work together to put a recently developed Multi-Agency Strategy for self-neglect and hoarding into operation. The strategy, therefore, applies to all professionals and agencies working with adults at risk in the borough. View the strategy here.

    Board members have also endorsed guidance for practitoners who are supporting people who may be neglecting themselves. The guidance is based on the experience of practitioners from a wide range of related disciplines in Merseyside as well as lessons learnt by teams across Oldham. The OSAB Self-Neglect Toolkit -The Short Guide to Working with People in Circumstances of Complex Self-Neglect is available here.

    Greater Manchester Fire & Rescue Service Hoarding Safety Tips
    GMFRS Hoarding Safety Tips.pdf

    Clutter Image Ratings
    The purpose of this tool is to gauge the impact of hoarding on the person with the hoarding behaviour. 
    Clutter Image Ratings.pdf

    Hoarding Awareness and OSAB Frequently Asked Questions
    What is Hoarding? And, who can help? Take a look at our Frequently Asked Questions about Hoarding here: OSAB Hoarding Frequently Asked Questions.pdf

    Birmingham Safeguarding Adults Board have produced a great video to help raise awareness about hoarding. View the personal and touching film below.

    Helping someone you know who hoards
    Hoarding Disorders UK help and support people who are affected not only by hoarding and clutter but also chronic disorganisation. They have produced some useful information for people who hoard including the top ten tips for helping someone you know who hoards. Take a look here.

    Chartered Institute of Environmental Health Guidance
    Chartered Institute of Environmental Health have produced guidance for environmental health officers and others about Hoarding and how to approach it. Take a look here.

    British Psychological Society Good Practice Guidelines
    Psychological Perspective on Hoarding: DCP Good Practice Guidelines have been compiled by clinical psychologists from the British Psychological Society, including contributions from those living with hoarding issues, as well as their carers.

    Help for Hoarders
    Help For Hoarders provides information, support and advice for people who hoard and their loved ones. The site includes a message board for people to contribute their own experiences.

    Clouds End
    Clouds End is a Community Interest Company offering services to anyone looking to tackle a hoarding situation that is causing a problem.

    Self Harm

    OSAB Self Harm Awareness and Frequently Asked Questions
    There is a stigma around self harm that can stop people who are worried about self harm from looking for help. Part of this stigma comes from the misconceptions that surround it, such as the idea that it is attention-seeking. It is not easy to just stop self-harming. Raising awareness about self harm is incredibly important to make it easier for people to get help and get through it. Awareness leads to understanding and empathy, banishing judgment and fear, and reducing the number of people who feel alone and suffer in silence. Raising awareness is about educating people who do not self harm and reaching out to people who do.

    Take a look at some Frequently Asked Questions about Self Harm: OSAB Frequently Asked Questions - Self Harm.pdf

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